Querwege e. V.

QuerWege e. V.


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The preschool children are preparing for their final performance in Kindergarten. A circus show with professional performers from circus Momolo. This will cost some money and so a cake sale was organised with the help from our Partner MPI where some of the parents work. The children made posters to advertise the sale. They made 2 cakes in Kindergarten and parents also supplied cake to be sold. The preschool children walked up to Beutenberg Campus and worked in 2 groups. One organised the cake and plates with their teacher Claudia and the other counted the money with Ben. This was an opportunity to work with numbers. At first when 5 Euro of cake was bought the children gave the customers 5 Euro. Once they had a few sales the children knew the price and were able to give change when the customers brought large sums of money like 10 Euro. Learning that the different coins had different values was also something new and not every coin is 1 Euro and 50 cent is half a Euro and you need 2 like that to make 1 Euro. With the money earned the kindergarten can pay the cost of the circus performers.

published on 17. May 2019