Querwege e. V.

  • Children on a swing
  • Schwabenhaus Hompage Titelbild
  • Spiel im Garten des BiLLY
  • miteinander_voneinander_lernen
  • SteinMalEins_Homepage_Miteinander
  • Einblick in eine Frühförderstunde
  • Physiotherpie in der UniverSaale

QuerWege e.V.

Max needs more time when reading. Johanna is quick with numbers. Jacob runs and jumps to his absolute limits. They are all different and that is good. At QuerWege children receive – with or without disability and independent from origin, ethnicity, language and gender – a fair and equal chance to be encouraged and educated.

With our nine institutions and services we have since 1993 established conditions, where children with diverse requirements develop and learn together. In this way they benefit and learn from each other, to accept and value the variety of humanity as a matter of course.

More than 220 people work for QuerWege. People, who prefer new (and sometimes cross) paths. We think ahead und wish another concept of humankind that is more open, more individual und more human.