Querwege e. V.

QuerWege e. V.


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Trip to the post office

The children where asked who would like to post a letter as we are sending a letter to turkey to an Erasmus partner school. 7 Children volunteered and were able to pick from cards that were made a few weeks ago. The children filled them with messages and then we set off to the post office. We crossed a number of streets and walked through winzela to the post office. There were lots of questions about whose house we were going to first. We saw lots of post boxes on the way but none were the one we were looking for. Once we arrived at the post office we formed a queue and everybody handed their letters in individually. The one to Turkey needed lots of stamps. It was a bit of an anti-climax that the letters were gone so on the way back to kindergarten we stopped at the playground and everyone went on the climbing frame. After a short time playing we all went back to kindergarten.

published on 04. May 2017