Querwege e. V.

QuerWege e. V.


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Let’s build some sounds

The children watched a short YouTube video showing a carpenter building a sitar. They were intrested in how he worked the wood and the children are also enthusiastic about playing guitar. With a donation of some tuning pegs from broken guitars that the local Pianelli Music Store kindly gave us we dedicated some time and energy to developing the kindergartens collection of music instruments. The children took to the opportunity to use the wood tools in small groups with. Lengths of wood were measured against the base of the instruments them cut to size. They arranged the pieces in a box form. They cut a hole in the top and added the tuning pegs. Once the instruments were nearly finished we visited a local man Michael Müller who builds musical instruments. The children were bringing the instruments with them. The children took great interest in his collection of bagpipes which he kindly played for us when we were leaving. His advice was to use metal strings on the instruments and the instruments were taken to Pianelli Music-Store and the correct strings were purchased. The children are currently learning to play the instruments which they have named Dreirarer and Sechsrarer after the number of strings they have.

published on 16. January 2018