Kita BiLLY
Peter and the wolf
2019 a new year in kindergarten and we started with music as a theme. The older children had a trip to the music school planned and so the story of peter and the wolf was introduced to the children in morning circle. The children listened to the story about peter the animals and his opa. Then the various pieces of music were listened to. The children also had the opportunity to see a flute and listen to one of the teacher’s play it and other parents were asked if they could bring some music to the kindergarten. The story was used as an inspiration for creative activities with the children recreating the characters from the story. Listening to the music and observing which instrument was playing and which character was active in the story was one of the activities. We also used the knowledge of musical arrangements to understand that children’s songs are constructed with a repeating chorus and worked with blocks to see how the songs are constructed.
published on 05. March 2019