Querwege e. V.


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Kita BiLLY

we bake some Battenberg for our visitors from Schwabenhaus

The Children from the Schwabenhaus were planning to visit and to prepare for this occasion we made a cake. This would not be just a cake but a work of intercultural culinary art: A Battenberg cake. The children viewed concept of the finished cake on the computer and then set about solving the task set before them. Now the baking process could begin. In four bowls the dough was prepared by the ambitious little bakers. After a while of mixing, adding and tasting, the cake went in the oven and the bakers went to the gardento have break. The break went to be a bit too long, because it turned out to be really brownish. Happily no one really minded and it tasted quite well.

published on 05. April 2018